Sunday, October 2, 2005

XIII - Sethra Sethrakya Vibaka Yogam

1/XIII. Sri Bhagavan said, “This body, Arjuna, is termed as the Field (Ksetra); and him who knows it, the sages discerning the truth about both refer to as the knower of the field (Ksetrajna).”

2/XIII. “Know Myself to be the Ksetrajna (individual soul) also in all the Ksetras, Arjuna. And it is the knowledge of Ksetra and Ksetrajna (i.e., of Matter with its evaluates and the Sprit) which I consider as Wisdom.”

3/XIII. “What that Ksetra is and what it is like; and also what are its evolutes, again, whence is what, and also finally who that Ksetrajna is and what is his glory – hear all this from Me in a nutshell.”

4/XIII. “The truth about the Ksetra and the Ksetrajna has been expounded by the seers in manifold ways; again, it has been separately stated in different Vedic chants and also in the conclusive and reasoned texts of the Brahmasutras.”

5/XIII. “The five elements, the ego, the intellect, the Unmanifest (Primordial Matter), the ten organs (of perception and action), the mind, and the five objects of sense (sound, touch, colour, taste and smell);”

6/XIII. “Also desire, aversion, pleasure, pain the physical body, consciousness, firmness: thus is the Ksetra, with its evolutes, briefly states.”

7/XIII. “Absence of pride, freedom from hypocrisy, non-violence, forbearance, straightness of body, speech and mind, devout service of the preceptor, internal and external purity, steadfastness of mind and control of body, mind and the senses.”

8/XIII. “Dispassion towards the objects of enjoyment of this world and the next, and also absence of egotism, pondering again and again on the pain and evils inherent in birth, death, old age and disease;”

9/XIII. “Absence of attachment and the feeling of mineness in respect of son, wife, home etc., and constant equipoise of mind both in favourable and unfavourable circumstances;”

10/XIII. “Unflinching devotion to Me through exclusive attachment, living in secluded and holy places, and finding no enjoyment in the company of men;”

11/XIII. “Fixity in self-knowledge and seeing God as the object of true knowledge, all this is declared as knowledge; and what is other than this is called ignorance.”

12/XIII. “I shall speak to you at length about that which ought to be known, and knowing which one attains supreme Bliss. That supreme Brahma, who is the lord of beginning less entities, is said to be neither Sat (being) nor Asat (non-being).”

13/XIII. “It has hands and feet on all sides, eyes, head and mouth in all directions, and ears all round; for it stands pervading all in the universe.”

14/XIII. “Though perceiving all sense-objects it is, really speaking, devoid of all senses, Nay, though unattached, it is the sustainer of all nonetheless; and though attribute-less, it is the enjoyer of qualities (the three modes of Prakrti).”

15/XIII. “It exists without and within all beings, and constitutes the animate and inanimate creation as well. And by reason of Its subttelty. It is incomprehensible; it is close at hand stand afar too.”

16/XIII. “Though integral like space in its undivided aspect. It appears divided as it were in all animate and inanimate beings. And that godhead, which is the only object worth knowing, is the sustainer of beings (as Visnu), the destroyer (as Rudra) and the creator of all (as Brahma).”

17/XIII. “That supreme Brahma is said to be the light of all lights, and entirely beyond Maya. That godhead is Knowledge itself, worth knowing, and worth attaining through real wisdom, and is particularly seated in the heart of all.”

18/XIII. “Thus the truth of the Ksetra and knowledge, as well as of the object worth knowing, God has been briefly discussed; knowing this in reality, My devotee enters into My Being.”

19/XIII. “Prakrti and Purusa, know both these as beginning-less, and know all modifications such as likes and dislikes etc., and all objects constituted of the three Gunas as born of Prakrti.”

20/XIII. “Prakrti is said to be responsible for bringing forth the evaluates and the instruments; while the individual soul is declared to be the cause of experience of joys and sorrows.”

21/XIII. “Only the Purusa seated in Prakrti senses objects of the nature of the three Gunas evolved from Prakrti. And it is contact with these Gunas that is responsible for the birth of this soul in good and evil wombs.”

22/XIII. “The Spirit dwelling in this body, is really the same as the Supreme. He has been spoken of as the Witness, the true Guide, the Sustainer of all, the Experiencer (as the embodies soul), the Overlord and the Absolute as well.”

23/XIII. “He who thus knows the Purusa (Spirit) and Prakrti ( Nature) together with the Gunas, even though performing his duties in every way, is never born again.”

24/XIII. “Some by meditation behold the supreme Spirit in the heart with the help of their refined and sharp intellect; others realise It through the discipline of Knowledge, and others, again, through the discipline of Action.”

25/XIII. “Other dull witted persons, however, not knowing thus, worship even as they have heard from others; and even those who are thus devoted to hearing, are able to cross the ocean of mundane existence in the shape of death.”

26/XIII. “Arjuna, whatsoever being, animate or inanimate, is born, know it as emanated from the union of Ksetra (Matter) and the Ksetrajna ( Spirit)”

27/XIII. “He alone truly sees, who sees the supreme Lord as imperishable and abiding equally in all perishable beings, both animate and inanimate.”

28/XIII. “For, he who kills not himself by himself be seeing the supreme Lord, equally present in all, as one, thereby reaches the supreme state.”

29/XIII. “And he alone really sees, who sees all actions being performed in every way by Prakrti alone, and the Self as the non-doer.”

30/XIII. “The moment man perceives the diversified existence of beings as rooted in the one supreme Spirit, and the spreading forth of all beings from the same, that very moment he attains Brahma (who is Truth, Consciousness and Bliss solidified).”

31/XIII. “Arjuna, being without beginning and without attributes, this indestructible supreme Spirit, though dwelling in the body, in fact does nothing nor gets contaminated.”

32/XIII. “As the all-pervading either is not tainted by reason of its subtlety, so seated everywhere in the body, the Self is not affected by the attributes of the body due to its attribute-less character.”

33/XIII. “Arjuna, as the one sun illumines this entire universe, so the one Atma (Spirit) illumines the whole Ksetra (Field).”